The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Man is within himself. Then God Almighty placed for him in the body which God had made for him a kingdom and settled over him. He placed in it sensory and moral powers and machines, and it was said to him: Take the sciences from them and spend them in such and such ways. These machines were placed for him in levels. The moral powers are all complete powers except power. Imagination was created weak and the sensitive force was made subordinate to the body. The more the body grows and grows and its quantity increases, the more its sense and imagination become stronger, since all the forces do not take things except from the imagination. It is a physical force that is susceptible to all the images that the sense gives it and is susceptible to the images that the pictorial force opens up in it. It is composed of existing things that the imagination has grasped from the sensitive power, and there is nothing in the powerful that resembles the material in accepting forms except imaginati

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The universe is blind due to a deficiency inherent in it *** and light has no deficiency so it can hide it

You have perfection and I have the opposite of perfection, so *** between you and me and not repaying it.

You said that you are known for my knowledge *** and my mind is drowning in the sea of my ignorance.

Save me from the state I was in for you *** not for me, for my veil is in His manifestation.

So say, for your knowledge, do not rejoice, for what your hands have achieved *** is only due to apparent ignorance in it.

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If there was no earthly world, *** would not have descended, nor would it have been brought near, nor would it have been revealed

He lost my presence in my eyes *** and he was exalted when he became beautiful

So I was appointed as an imam in his land *** the caliph of Sayyidah Mu’alla

< p style="color:#008000; text-align: center"> I judge it with the judgment of my Lord *** and it is not forsaken by the eye

When my wish was fulfilled, I called my master. He said, “Wait,”

Take me to what I came out of.*** He said, “Welcome, welcome. ”


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Know, may God Almighty grant you success, that God Almighty is jealous of His broken and poor servant more than he is jealous of himself, for He asked His servants to be jealous, and God, if His sanctities are violated, however, your jealousy for God returns its praise to you, and His jealousy for you also returns its praise to you, not to him, for God Almighty praises you. With his jealousy for you and he praises you with your jealousy for him, you are the one to be praised in every situation and in every way. This chapter is the highest status that a servant can have, and there is no other position at all. So the servant should be jealous of himself in this position, and God must be jealous of him. If an obedient king who enforces the command comes to you, and he comes to you as a visitor with his great rank, and he comes to you. A poor person who is weak at that time is also a visitor, so let your acceptance of the poor person and your preoccupation with him be until he finishe

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