The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

With the knowledge of the first and the last, and patience, mercy, and gentleness, and he was merciful to the believers, and he never showed harshness to anyone except by divine command, when he was told, “Strive against the unbelievers and the hypocrites, and be harsh with them,” so he commanded it when his nature did not require that, and if he was a human being who gets angry for himself and is satisfied with himself, then he was presented with our medicine for that. In that anger, there is mercy in the sense that he does not feel it in the state of anger, so he used to show his anger as if he indicated his approval, and that is because of secrets that we knew and that the people of God among us know, so it was valid for him to have dominion over the world in this regard, for other than his nation, it was said of them that they distort it after they had reasoned it while they knew, so God led them astray with knowledge. And God took charge of us preserving His remembrance, sayi

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Do not keep my people away from those who are *** the poison of enmity and the scourge of carrots

Those who go down in every battle *** and the good ones are tied to their shoulders

So he praised them for their generosity, courage, and chastity, as Antarah ibn Shaddad says about protecting the neighbor from his family

And I turn my eyes to what my neighbor appears to me *** until my neighbor hides her shelter

And there is no secret to everyone that the Arabs give thanks to the non-Arabs for their generosity, enthusiasm, and loyalty, even if the non-Arabs are generous and brave, but they are single, just as the Arabs are cowardly and stingy, but they are single, but Speech is common, not rare, and this is what no one denies. This is what God has revealed in this heaven. This is all part of the matter that descends between h

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