The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

We are only mockers. God is mocking them. And He said, “If you mock us, then we will mock you just as you mock. And God Almighty said, ‘Indeed, those who committed crimes were among those who believed.’” He laughs. And he said about the recompense. Today those who have believed among the disbelievers laugh. Then he clarified and said, “Will the disbelievers be rewarded for what they used to do?” so he generalized the alif and the lam and responded to them and said. God Almighty forgot them, and He forgot them, and that is why it was called a reconciliation penalty. If that were not the case, it would not be a penalty. It has been mentioned about the arrogant that they will be gathered like atoms, with people trampling them with their feet.

They are small and humiliated, and because of their arrogance in following God’s commands. So Paradise is good and there is no evil in it, and Hell is no evil. There is good in it, for all the polytheist’s knowledge, work, and speec

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What he was given, then that gratitude makes up for what he lacked in the work that if he had done it would have resulted in what was given to him. This is a cause whose cause has preceded, but rather it has returned to a cause for what should have been a cause for it, and God increases it for that thanksgiving, opening in his heart according to the limit that we mentioned, and it is taken. All deeds are up to you, this is the limit of the rational balance on the path, and we differed as to what the mind is independent in perceiving it, if the guardian takes it from the path of revealing and opening, whether it will be opened for him with his evidence or not, so we went to the view that it may be opened for him in it, but it will not be opened for him with his evidence, and we have tasted it and some of them have gone, including our friend Sheikh the Imam. Abu Abdullah Al-Kattani in the city of Fez, I heard him say that he must open up to him the evidence without thinking and see

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