The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The knowledge of the afterlife and what is related to it, from the time when people stand on the bridge without the darkness until they enter their homes of misery and happiness. This is all the knowledge that this verse contains. I have alerted you to it so that the desire to seek it will rise. Let us mention one or more of them as much as the discussion can accommodate, while being brief. Without prolonging or exaggerating, I say: By God, He speaks the truth and He guides the path .

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Know that when God created the royal and ruling spirits, who are those who have no knowledge of anything other than God, they do not know that God created anything other than them, and they are the close cherubim, those who seclude themselves alone, and those who are taken from themselves, with what the Truth has witnessed of His majesty. He singled out among them what is called the first intellect, and the individuals among us are in their position, so the majesty of God is in The hearts of individuals are like this, so they bear witness to nothing but the truth, and they are outside the rule of the Pole, which is the Imam, and he is one of them, but his matter comes from the First Mind, which is the first existent from the world of recording and underlining, which is the creative existent. Then after that, without a dimension of time, an emanating existent emerges from this mind. It is the soul, and it is the preserved tablet on which every being in this earth is written until t

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The investigator carried what his Creator *** threw into him in order to reveal the information of the unseen

Its flakes extend from it to my heart *** like a sunbeam extending to the eye

For hugging, kissing, and aging bring us together*** like brides, like the female with the male < /p>

Always, no morning will separate us *** separate from the original and the virgin

Among us, secrets appear in veils *** The horizons rise with the sun and nothing else

No East reveals them, no West conceals them *** No eye perceives them From human eyes

Her time is now past, so she loses it *** and no one can come as much as

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Know that this position includes the honor of inanimate objects over humans, and the honor of the jinn among the believers in listening to the Qur’an over the believers among humans, due to the meaning of God’s creation of them and Him in them. God Almighty said: “The creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of people, but most people do not know. Do you see this arrogance in crime and its greatness?” Quantity is far from it, no, by God, for that is known by sense, but that is because of a meaning that He created in them. That was not for man, it gives him knowledge of the ranks and amounts of things with God Almighty, so we assign to every existing thing the status in which God has sent it down to a created being and divine names.

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And from that is the Almighty’s saying: Indeed, We offered the trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, but they refused to bear it and were afraid of it. And man carried it. Indeed, he was unjust and ignorant. Do you see that this is due to their ignorance? No, by God, but the burden is for God. It was just because of ignorance on the part of the pregnant woman. Did he call God for ignorance for exaggerating it and for being unjust to himself and others? Except for the bearer of it, which is man. So I knew the earth, and whoever mentioned the value of the trust, and that the bearer of it is in danger, then he is not sure of God that He will enable him to deliver it to its people. And I knew what God meant by accident, that He wanted the balance of the mind, so the mind of the earth, the mountains, and the sky was more abundant than the mind of man, since they did not involve themselves in what He did not require. God was upon them, for it was an offer, not a command,

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