The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The full moon is afraid of thieves, so a person should enter the city beware of thieves. I understood from him from these words that he meant that souls, if witnesses of the truth prevail over them, would be attained by it and in it among those who enter the gardens of knowing God and speaking about His majesty in His ways and the abundance of His arts, so he likened the truth to the full moon. He likened the types of fruits contained in orchards to what the divine presence contains of knowledge of the divine names and attributes of majesty and exaltation, and I understood it in a dream from his saying, “When the full moon sets,” and that is the witnessing of the truth in things, presence with it, and pure intention in it. There was the darkness of ignorance and heedlessness of God and mistakes, and fear of thieves, wanting the resemblance. The unexpected misguidance of those with intellectual insight and those with formal revelation. He mentioned this out of fear for the souls. I

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Know that this verse includes the knowledge of the manifestation of the stars despite their abundance in each star at the same time with one vision, the knowledge of the overlapping of manifestations, and the knowledge of the manifestation of the follower and the followed, and whether the follower gets a taste of the manifestation of the followed or not, for the one who is followed only came calling to God. He did not come calling to Him. himself, and he said, “Come to a common word between us and you: that we worship none but God, and do not associate anything with Him, and do not take others as lords besides God.” He said, “Call to God with insight.” I and whoever follows So, he gave the follower a share in supplication to God, for every knowledge by which a person is independent of his being rational He does not need anyone other than a Messenger and there is no evidence for him, such as knowledge of the oneness of God and what is obligatory for him, as well as what he obtains

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Among what is included in this verse is the manifestation of the truth to the people of misery in something other than the name of the Lord, even though God did not make the veil except on that day specifically and in the name of the Lord added to them, not in giving the name, so they are in the veil in a specific time from an added name specific to them, so it does not prevent its manifestation in this. The specific name for them in other than that time, and in the absolute name of the Lord and in other names. God Almighty said, “No, they will be from their Lord on that day.” So He added it to them on that day, “to be blocked,” and He made it a specific time, so understand.

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This house includes that not every manifestation brings about bliss, and that bliss through manifestation only comes to longing lovers who fulfill the conditions of love. This house includes the depths of the world of testimony in the unseen, so what was unseen testimony is returned, and what was unseen is testimony, and so it went. To some who know about the emergence of the afterlife, the bodies are hidden in the souls, and the souls have apparent conditions contrary to what they have in this world, so what is apparent is in the afterlife, and the ruling is for the soul, not the body, and for this reason they transform into any form they wish, due to the dominance of the spiritual over them and the absence of the body in it, just as they are today with us angels and the world. Souls appear in any form they wish, and from the positions of the companions of revelation who denied the gathering of bodies, for in their revelation they saw the reality of the hereafter, and they

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