The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

They curse each other, and they curse each other in this world and the hereafter. And the world who realizes what the matter is in his own eyes watches in himself and in the world, its outside and inside, so he is the evil eye and he is the exalted example stipulated by which the Truth denied that it could be similar or contrasted with His Almighty saying, “There is nothing like Him,” meaning, “There is nothing like Him.” Something, so kaf is kaf, the adjective is not superfluous, as some of them see. Some scholars see in this that if a proverb was imposed for it, it would not be similar to that proverb, so it would rather be similar to it in itself. According to some of them, the proverb was denied regarding the verified proverb that we mentioned. Al-Junaid was asked about knowledge and the knower, and he said the color of water is a color. Its vessel, so he affirmed water, and the vessel, so he affirmed the letter, the meaning, and perception, and he denied perception, so he sep

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Know that God has a restricted existence, an absolute existence, for He, Glory be to Him, has restricted some of His goodness to existence, so He said, “Your Lord has decreed upon Himself mercy,” that is, He has obligated and imposed upon Himself mercy for a special people. He has described them with a special action, which is that whoever among you does evil out of ignorance and then repents after him and continues. Indeed, He is Forgiving and Merciful This is generosity that is restricted by obligation for the one whose quality is this, and it is a substitute for this specific work and repentance and reform of absolute generosity, so his generosity was brought about by his generosity, and no one else judged him and no one else restricted him, and the servant between the two generosities is a transient spectacle and an ever-present spectacle. Sahl bin Abdullah, our scholar and our imam, said, “I met Satan, so I recognized him, and he knew from me that I recognized him, so I fell.

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