The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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Now one has physical, tangible sexual intercourse with penetration and the presence of pleasure specific to every woman, without precedence or delay. This is permanent bliss and divine power. The mind is unable to comprehend this truth in terms of its thought, but rather it realizes this by another divine power in the heart of whomever of His servants He wishes, just as man is in Paradise is in the market of images. If he desires a form, he enters it just as the soul is formed here with us, even if it is a body, but God gave him this ability to do that, and God has power over all things. The hadith of the market of Paradise was mentioned by Abu Issa al-Tirmidhi in his work, so look at it there. If the rays of light connect in the four corners Births emerged from this marriage, which was destined by the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing, so the generators became between fathers, which are the upper spheres and lights, and between mothers, which are the lower natural pillars, and the rays

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قال تعالى أَنِ اشْكُرْ لِي ولِوالِدَيْكَ فقد تبين لك أيها الولي آباؤك وأمهاتك من هم إلى أقرب أب لك وهو الذي ظهر عينك به وأمك كذلك القريبة إليك إلى الأب الأول وهو الجد الأعلى إلى بما بينهما من الآباء والأمهات فشكرهم الذي يسرون به ويفرحون بالثناء عليهم هو أن تنسبهم إلى مالكهم وموجدهم وتسلب الفعل عنهم وتلحقه بمستحقه الذي هو خالق كل شي‏ء فإذا فعلت ذلك فقد أدخلت سرورا على آبائك بفعلك ذلك وإدخال هذا السرور عليهم هو عين برك بهم وشكرك إياهم وإذا لم تفعل هذا ونسيت الله بهم فما شكرتهم ولا امتثلت أمر الله في شكرهم فإنه قال أَنِ اشْكُرْ لِي فقدم نفسه ليعرفك أنه السبب الأول والأولى ثم عطف وقال ولِوالِدَيْكَ وهي الأسباب التي أوجدك الله عندها لتنسبها إليه سبحانه ويكون لها عليك فضل التقدم بالوجود خاصة لا فضل التأثير لأنه في الحقيقة لا أثر لها وإن كانت أسبابا لوجود الآثار فبهذا القدر صح لها الفضل وطلب منك الشكر وأنزلها الحق لك وعندك منزلته في التقدم عليك لا في الأثر ليكون الثناء بالتقدم والتأثير لله تعالى وبالتقدم والتوقف للوالدين ولكن على ما شرطناه فلا تشرك بعبادة ربك أحدا فإذا أثنيت على الله تعال

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As some of my sheikhs said to me, if you say, “Peace be upon us and upon the righteous servants of God,” or if you say, “Peace be upon you,” if you greet anyone on your way, then bring in your heart every one of God’s righteous servants on earth and in heaven, dead and alive, for from that position he will return to you, so there will remain no king close to him or A purified spirit is conveyed by your greeting, except that it responds to you, and it is a supplication, and it is answered in you, and you succeed. And whoever does not receive your salutation from among the servants of God who dominates in His majesty, who are occupied with it and devoted themselves to it, and you have greeted them with this comprehensiveness, then God is acting on their behalf in responding to you, and this is enough of an honor in your right, since the truth greets you, let him not. You hear one of those whom you greeted so that he can take his place on behalf of everyone else in responding to you,

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As for the natural fathers and mothers, we did not mention them, so let us mention the general matter of that, and they are two fathers and Aman, so the two fathers are the active ones, and Aman is the passive ones, and what happens about them is the passive ones, so the heat and cold are active ones, and the dampness and dryness are passive, so she got married

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