The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Like a lamp, the fruit of this knowledge does not appear except in those who have learned about it, just as the rule of oil does not appear except in the lamp that is used to light the wick, and here it is acquired by him to acquire the descriptions that we have abstained from in the original in this position, and in this position we describe him with it for our sake, not for his sake, so this description is for the effects, not for him. There was God and there was nothing with Him, and this principle will be discussed in chapter three hundred and fiftieth of this book. Among what is included in this chapter is the knowledge of the creation of natural bodies and that their origin is from light. Therefore, if a person knows how to filter all the dense, dark bodies, the most prominent of them will be transparent to the light, which is their origin like glass. He was removed from the dirt of sand and returned transparent. He made clear the stones from this door, the crystal minerals

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Know that the light is hidden in the darkness, for if it were not for the light, the darkness would not exist, and he did not say, “We remove the light from it,” since if the light was taken from it, the existence of the darkness would not have ceased to exist if it had taken non-existence, and if it had taken a transition that would follow it where it moves, since it is the essence of itself, and the day is from some lights generated by sunrise. If the sun did not have its own light, it would not be valid for it to be an envelope of daylight, nor would it be valid for it to be perceived while it is perceived, and a thing would not be perceived if there was no light in it by which it would be perceived from itself, which is the same as its existence and its readiness to accept the perception of sight with the lights it contains, and perception is usually limited to the eye. But perception in itself is only for everything, for everything is perceived by itself and by everything. Do

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