The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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To us there is an incline, so the day becomes long if the sun is in the high places where it was, and if the sun is in the lower places, the day becomes short where it was. Rather, we said where it was, because if the night is long for us, the day is long for others, so the sun will be in the places. The high ones in relation to them and in the lower stations in relation to us, so if the day is short for us, the night is long for them according to what we have mentioned, and today is the same day of twenty-four hours, neither more nor less nor longer nor shorter in the place of equinox. This is the reality of the day. Then we may call the day alone a day by convention, so understand < /p>

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God has made this time, which is night and day, a day, and time is the day, and night and day exist in time. He has made them the father and mother of what God happens to them, as He said, “The night covers the day,” like His saying about Adam. When he covered her over her, she conceived, and when the night covered the day, the night was the father, and the day was the mother. Everything that God narrates during the day became in the status of the children that a woman gives birth to, and when the day covers the night, the day is the father and the night is the mother, and everything that God narrates during the night is in the status of the children that the mother gives birth to. We have explained this chapter in the Book of Affairs for us, and we have spoken about it according to the Almighty’s saying: “Everything.” A day that is about a matter, and it will come, God willing, in this book, if God reminds us of it from the knowledge of the days, a full and healing part. Likewise

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And when God created the bodies of the entire world that can be formed in it, He made the limit of what follows the concave of the lower heaven to the interior of the earth the world of nature, the transformations, and the appearance of objects that occur upon transformations, and He made them in the position of the mother, and He made the concave of the sphere of the lower heaven to the last of the spheres in the position of the father, and He decreed in it stations and beautified it. With the fixed and floating lights, the floating ones are cut off in the fixed ones, and the fixed and floating ones are cut off in the surrounding sphere by the determination of the Almighty, with evidence that it was seen in some of the pyramids in the lands of Egypt written with a pen. The history of the pyramids mentions that they were built with the eagle in the lion. There is no doubt that now in Capricorn this is how we perceive it, so it indicates that the fixed stars are cut off. In the orb

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And He made these lights called the planets rays connected to the pillars, and their connection with them takes the place of marriage between fathers and mothers. So God Almighty creates when these rays of light connect in the four corners of the natural world, what is formed in them of what we see in sense. These pillars have the status of the four women in our law, and just as there is no marriage. It is lawful with us, except with a legal contract. Likewise, He revealed in every heaven its command, and from that revelation, the command was revealed between them, as God Almighty said, “The command descends between them,” meaning the divine command, and in the interpretation of this revelation there are great secrets that are close to what we are referring to in this chapter. It was narrated on the authority of Ibn Abbas that he said in If I interpreted this verse, you would say that I am an infidel, and in a narration you would have stoned me, and it is one of the secrets of the

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As for the connection of the planetary rays of light from the celestial astronomical movement with the four pillars that are the mother of generators at the same time for all together, the Truth has made it an example for those who know that the people of Paradise will marry in Paradise all of their wives and female slaves at the same time in a sensual marriage, just as these connections are sensual, so the man will have sex in Paradise. All of the sexes he has if he desires it in

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