The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The first rank, then We made him a drop of seed in a secure resting place, a second guidance. Then We created the drop of seed as a clot, which is the individual rank, and it has the plural, and man is the place of the plural, for the image of the Divine Presence and for the image of the great world, and for this reason man had his existence between the truth and the great world, and all generators except man were separated from the existence of man, because all The generators, other than Him, exist from the world, so it is from a mother without a father, such as the existence of Jesus, son of Mary, may God’s prayers be upon him. We only alert you to this so that you do not say that all generators existed between God and the world, and this was not the case. Otherwise, there is no benefit to his saying that Adam was created in his image, even if the image was what some of our companions imagine. Rather, our sheikhs, from the fact that it is a self and has seven attributes, this is

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Know that there was nothing in eternity with which to estimate what is in eternity except the Id. So the Id wanted to see itself with a perfect vision that would be its own and the rule of the Id would be removed from it. So it looked at immutable objects and did not care for us to give looking at them this level of selfishness except the eye of the perfect human. So He determined it for Him and contrasted it with Him, so it agreed except for one fact that was missing from it, which is its existence for itself, so He created it for itself, so it was identical.

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