The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And its rank is that its revelation to the heart of a servant is from the unseen in the unseen from one eye to the eye of one and does not accept detail. The other part is its revelation to the heart of the servant while he is busy in arranging its structure and nature and does not take him away from that. And that is the revelation from one plural eye to the plural eye to detail what was revealed. He told us on the authority of a group of them, including Abu al-Badr, on the authority of our Sheikh Abd al-Qadir, may God have mercy on him, that he said, “The Sunnah comes to me when I enter it and informs me of what will be in it and happen.” Likewise, the month, Friday, and day. Likewise, Sheikh Abu Yazza Abu al-Nur was in the Maghreb countries. When Ramadan began, he would come to him. He informs him of the work he has done before and of those who have accepted it, but his restriction here is with respect to our Sheikh Abi Ya’za with Ramadan, because our friend Abu Zaid al-Raqraqi

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And know that the levels upon which creation is distinguished are distinct in every kind. The messengers prefer each other, the prophets prefer each other, the investigators prefer each other, the knowers prefer each other, and so on to those who have practical crafts. This position is preferable to others in the divine manifestations whose vision is likened to seeing the moon and the sun in two thousand and eight manifestations. Introverted manifestations are included in the aforementioned two thousand, except that these eight have a special description that appears in the manifestation of the Maqamat, which is one hundred and sixty-six manifestations. Then the authority of these eight manifestations becomes apparent and gives knowledge what God wills to give. As for the two thousand, they are fleeting manifestations that last only a short time and do not give knowledge. As for the hundred and sixty-six, it gives from the general sciences applicable to existing beings, their surv

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And know that the subjugated spirits of light, not the masterminds, descend upon the hearts of the knowers, as we said, with divine commands, affairs, and good things according to what the Truth desires for this servant, so he will be promoted by what they have sent down to him, promotion and salvation to the veil that is closest to the veils that are far away, until God takes care of him by raising the mediators. However, if this heart He was separated from the spiritual ascents that the people of this path and the wise people who work to purify souls and rid them of the turbidity of nature partake of, and before the truth takes over its command by raising the mediators, he remains devoid of both matters, like the pause between the two stations, and like the general sleep between the senses and the imagination, which is the place of confusion for this heart, for it is the one to whom he was comforted and taken. He has lost him, and the one who comes to him is what he has seen yet

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