The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Certainty is the stability of knowledge in the soul, and stability is not the essence of the stable person. Rather, stability is an attribute of the stable person, and it is a moral, not a psychological, fact. It is not the essence of knowledge, so the addition is permissible. Rather, we said that the ignorant person may be characterized by knowledge in what he is ignorant of, as this is the Almighty’s saying, so turn away.

About those who turn away from Our remembrance and desire nothing but the life of this world. That is their level of knowledge. Indeed, your Lord knows best who has strayed from His path, and He knows best. By the one who is guided, mention the most knowledgeable of the two types. We have only explained with this speech what we said in our poetry, as it includes an explanation of what is in this verse, so for this reason We brought it back, so let us return to me what this house gives, and we say, “By God, the supporter.”

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Know that from this house is the glorification of the pebbles in the palm of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and from this house he ate it on the shoulder of a sheep, and from this house his love is the mountain of Uhud, and from this house the stone greeted him, and from this house the muezzin testifies to the extent of his voice, whether wet or dry, and from this house the stone fled in the garment of Moses, peace be upon him. Until the children of Israel saw his private parts, innocent of what they attributed to him, and he said, “So God cleared him of what they said, and he was honorable in the sight of God, and from him the heavens and the earth said, when the divine command was attached to them, ‘We came willingly,’ and since the request to carry the trust was an offer, not a command, that is why they refused to accept it, knowing that it would fall into danger, so it did not know what it would lead to.” Her command in that matter, and the ruling on this

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The first knowledge included in this verse is the science of intelligible and tangible movements. Know that movements, which are the meanings from which transitions are formed, and our companions differed regarding them as to whether they are essences that exist in their essence or are they ratios, and with us they are ratios, and these ratios give rulings according to what they are attributed to, so they have a ratio in biases that differs from Its relationship in non-specific things and a relationship in bodies is different from its relationship in substances, and there is no existent that does not have a special relationship in it, even if it is a relationship.

The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: Our Lord descends to the lowest heaven in the remaining third of the night < /p >

And He, Glory be to Him, is described as being on His Throne, leveled in the sense that He intended, and He, Glory be to Him, is with you wherever you are, as be

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Know that the matter in this is the presence of the divine command in the world of breaths, so it directed over this universe and moved it, so it accepted movement by nature, just as the air directs over the trees to move them with its blowing. The observer sees the movement of the branches due to the blowing of the wind, and science sees that it is

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