The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Whatever was condensed from it was air, whatever was condensed from air was water, and whatever was condensed from water was dust. The Air Pillar sect said it was the origin, and what was condensed from it was fire and what was condensed was water. The Water Pillar sect said it was the origin and said The sect of the Corner of the Earth is the origin, and the sect of the origin said it is a fifth matter, not one of these four, and this is what we have placed in the status of the king of the right, so our law in marriage has permeated the most complete doctrines so that all the doctrines are included in it .

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This doctrine, with the fifth principle, is the correct one in our view, and it is called nature, for nature is one intelligible from which the pillar of fire and all the pillars appeared, so it is said that the pillar of fire is from nature what it is itself, and it is not correct for the total to be the same as the four, for some of the pillars are repulsive to the others in whole, and some of them are repulsive to others by command. One, like fire and water, repulsive in all aspects, and air and earth are likewise, and for this reason God arranged them in existence in a wise order for the sake of transformations. If He made the repulsive adjacent to the repulsive, it would not have been transformed into it, and wisdom would be suspended. So He made the air next to the pillar of fire, bringing together heat, He made the water next to the air, and bringing together moisture, and He made the earth next to the water, bringing together the two. Coldness, then the impossible is a fat

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This chapter is only concerned with mothers. The first upper fathers are known, the first lower mothers are the object of the non-existent and the possible, the first marriage is with the intention of the matter, and the first son is the existence of the same thing that we mentioned. This is a father validating paternity, and that is a mother validating motherhood, and that marriage is valid in everything and the result is permanent and uninterrupted. In the right of everyone who appears to the eye, this is what we call the marriage that applies to all descendants. God Almighty says in evidence for what we said: “Our word for a thing when we want it is only that we say to it, ‘Be,’ and it is. And we have in it an honorable book that is resistant to fever. The one who sees it is blind, so what about the one who is blinded by it? If you see the details. This position and the orientations of these prominent divine names, I would have seen something great, and I would have witnessed a

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Firstly, after you pointed out your insightful understanding and correct consideration of the first, applicable father, which is the greatest comprehensive noun that all nouns follow in its nominative, accusative, and lower case, its ruling is valid, and the last primary mother is valid in the proportion of femininity in all children, so let us proceed with the fathers, who are causes placed in the divine position, and the mothers, and their connection. Through lawful moral and sensual marriage, so that the children will be lawful children until I reach human reproduction, which is the last species to be formed and the first creator with intent to be determined, so we say that the first intellect, which is the first creator created, is the Supreme Pen, and there was no other originator than it, and it was influenced by what God created in it of the emanation of the Tablet. What is preserved from Him is like the emergence of Eve from Adam into the world of criminals, so that that t

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So there was a reasonable moral marriage and a noticeable sensory effect between the pen and the tablet, and from here we worked with numbered letters, and the effect that was deposited on the tablet was like the flowing water that occurs in the female’s womb, and the meanings deposited in those criminal letters that emerged from that writing were like the souls of children deposited. In their bodies, then understand, and God speaks the truth and He guides the path. And the truth has been placed in this rational tablet on the authority of God what was revealed to him by the One who glorifies Him with His praise, whose glorification is not understood except by those whom God has informed of it and who has opened his hearing to what he conveys just as he opened the hearing of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and those of his companions who are present to perceive it. Glorifying the pebbles in his pure, good palm, may God bless him and grant him peace. We

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