The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And the reason for that is ignorance of their tone. If he sat with me and attended my gathering, he would become astonished and then describe what he saw, so I knew that he was imagining it, so he would reach the point of playing, companionship, and conversation, and perhaps a quarrel would occur between him and the one whom he saw over matters and objections, and the jinn would harm him in another way, which is It is imagined that from those images the harm came and that prevailed over him, may God have mercy on him. Abu al-Abbas al-Dahhan and all our companions witnessed that from him. Whoever knows the tones was not confused with an image at all, and there are few who know that and are deceived by the truth of what appears from those images at certain times. We have explained to you the levels of transformation in the images. From this station, and from this appearance in forms, there are many wonders that dazzle the minds, the greatest of which is the change of mood into anoth

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