The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

A precedent and no elevation for the servant who is total in his servitude, for he is robbed of attributes. If that had produced a diminishing spirit, the condition of this servant who is total in his servitude would not have been repeated for him. So understand what I have indicated to you, and I have alerted you with this news that this angel is one of the most knowledgeable of creation about God, and the repetition of his diminishment is for the repetition of manifestation and truth. He does not appear in one form twice, so he sees in each manifestation what leads to that diminishment. This is the correct knowledge that knowledge of God gives, and then you know that God created man in the best evaluation of the form that He assigned to him, and it is what gave him this status, so it was the best evaluation in his right, not out of a more effective comparison than Such and such, rather it is like his saying, “God is great,” not out of comparison, but rather the absolute goodness

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Know that a person has two states, a psychological mental state that is devoid of matter, and a psychological mental state that manages matter. If he is in a state of abstraction from himself, even if he is clothed with it in sense, then he is in his state in the best way, and if he is in a state of clothing matter in himself as it is in his sense, then he is in the best state. His state is in loss, there is no profit in his trade in it, so their trade has not profited, and they are not guided, which is his saying: Indeed, man is ungrateful. Indeed, man is unjust and unbeliever. Indeed, man is hidden from his Lord. Indeed, man is in shame. Indeed, he was unjust and ignorant. If a perfect man said, “God,” the entire world, of everything other than God, would speak. By uttering all the names of God that are stored in the knowledge of His unseen and that are exclusive to God Almighty for knowing some of His servants and known in their specific form to all of His servants, His glorifi

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