The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

God Almighty, and We will not punish until We send a messenger. Attached to this section are groups of those upon whom most of the scholars have imposed punishment and condemned them to misery without clear evidence that would benefit knowledge. So they placed them in the positions of the wretched by suspicion and definiteness without knowledge of the same matter, for God is not in account, so it is proven by what we have mentioned that it is from suspicion. He will not be saved from torment in God. If it is said

God says, “I am as my servant thinks of Me, ”

We said to him, “It is our doctrine.” For he said of Me, then he has proven it. And he did not say, “I am as my servant thinks of the one who made him a god,” so he is attached to it. He had suspicions about God regarding what he thought of happiness or misery, for he knows God and has suspicions about holding him accountable for the sin or pardoning him, and after this has been decided

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You should know that Paradise is two paradise, a sensory paradise and a moral paradise. The tangible paradise is enjoyed by animal souls and rational souls, and the moral paradise is enjoyed by rational souls and nothing else. It is the paradise of sciences and knowledge, and there is nothing else. And fire is two fires, a tangible fire and an intangible fire. The tangible fire is tormented by animal souls and rational souls, and the moral fire is tormented. It has rational souls and nothing else. The difference between the two bliss and those who are tormented is that the physical torment and physical bliss are directly related to the one who experiences the pain that occurs in the animal spirit, while the moral torment does not occur directly to the rational souls, but rather it is due to the knowledge they have acquired of what they missed of work and the knowledge that leads to the happiness of the animal spirit, which includes The happiness of the rational soul. As for the fi

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And know that this revelation includes the knowledge of the intellect of what is not an animal in ordinary sense perception about God Almighty, what He commands it to do, such as His Almighty’s saying, “Indeed, We offered the trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, but they refused to bear it,” and His Almighty’s saying, “And He said to it and to the earth, ‘Come.’” Either willingly or unwillingly, they said, “We have come willingly.” Then he put them together. Whoever understands and proves to it what has been proven to the Living, Knowing, All-Hearing, All-Powerful, and His Almighty’s saying: “A burning fire is upon them,” then He informed that it is shed, and it is not acceptable to be shed except by one who understands, and that it is, of course, burnt. For if it had not been burned, of course, it would not have been sent to the disbelievers, since if the burning in it had been out of nature, I would not have imagined it to be a violation, because the violation w

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