The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

God Almighty, in the event that it is characterized by non-existence for its own sake, and this is the additional original existence and additional non-existence, then the conditions are established for the world and for everything other than God, and that existence is not the same as existing except in the right of the Real, Glory be to Him, so that it is not a cause of His existence, for if it were a cause of His existence, it would be a cause for Him, may God be exalted above that. A great height. If a person, after emerging from the darkness of his nature and desires, is saved and guided to the light of his mind for forty mornings, then the same will be revealed from him as was revealed to him, and the same will be taken from him. That is the first level of the third dinar and the first qirat from it. He will remain in it until he must ask someone to take from him. If it is necessary, This is a legal obligation, like the obligations of all notable people. This was the first qi

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And know that the divine conquest that relates to the universe, such as victory over enemies and subjugation of them, and mercy to the saints and kindness to them, is only one of the results of manhood and not of anything else. So if this station is attained and its origin is completed, the Truth calls out to him in his secret of his perfection, Glory be to Him, for the perfection of the servant’s self, so that a created essence is removed from accidental perfection. It is divine perfection, for divine perfection in reality is in the influence of power in what is possible, the influence of the will in what is desired, the manifestation of the provisions of the divine names, and the self-perfection of the essence that is absolutely rich in all of this. Thus, the servant in this position does not witness a self that exists from the fact that it is described by divinity, but rather his sight is rich in the effects that divinity deserves. The universality, so he lacks it with an intri

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