The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Before reaching the station, the occurrence of this meeting in places other than the two stations is called a fight, and here the person in this situation has one of three things: Either the benefit is obtained when the required meeting for that name from this servant and for this slave from that name, then the name is separated from him to his name and the servant returns to his place from which he came. Either the Divine Name judges him to return to what he came out of, and that Divine Name is with him until it brings him to what he came out of, or the Divine Name takes him with him and takes him back to his destination. Which of the two things happened from this that we mentioned, so this house to which they returned is called in this capacity. The special one is the position of disputes because it gives rulings other than what it gives if it is not revealed by a fight. The people of taste and the people of drinking and irrigation know this, and we have made in this book of the

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And know that houses are not given this name except when staying in them. If he resides in them and does not move from them, the name of domicile is given to them because of his residence there, and the name of dwelling is due to his residing in it and not moving to a house, except that he must move in this same house in its minutes, so that it does not It departs from him like the one who disposes of the houses of the house in which he is the inhabitant. As long as the knower is accompanied by one divine name, despite the differences in his behavior in it, he is home to it in general terms. It is impossible for anyone to establish two souls in one state, so he must move in each soul. This is why some of the people of God wants the name to be a home or dwelling because he imagined that every soul and every condition has a divine name, and he did not realize that the divine name might have a ruling or have many different rulings, so it would be a home for this person as long as he

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By exalting the monotheism of God I say *** and that is the light of what He has I say

And his exaltation is between a person and a rank *** and few know about it

He is far from the exaltation of every exalted person *** So whoever wishes to say something, let him say what he says.

For the existence of truth is in the letter of its absence ***, so the letter of presence is what must be accepted

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Know, may God help us and you with a spirit from Him, that what is meant by the word “the exaltation of monotheism” is two things. The one is that the monotheism is related to exaltation, not to the Truth, Glory be to Him. The other matter is that the exaltation is added to monotheism, meaning that the Almighty Truth may be exalted by the exaltation of monotheism, not by its exaltation from the exaltation of creation by monotheism, such as Praise be to praise, for the occurrence of the adjective in what is described does not contain a claim and is not touched on by possibility, and the describer himself or someone else in some capacity lacks evidence of the truth of his claim, so related to this are chapters that are indicated by verses from the Book, including whether it is correct to pronounce the ambiguity before the mention in cases other than the necessity of poetry or not, so the poet says : < / p>

His Lord rewarded Adi bin Hatim on my behalf

So he made a

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