The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Intellectual intoxication at all, but he may have knowledge of it and its rank without having any effect on it, which is taste. Intellectual intoxication may initially be granted as a taste, so it is not possible for him to have a taste for natural intoxication, but he may be transferred to divine intoxication as a taste, and the ruling on mental intoxication is removed from him as a taste. And immediately, knowledge of it remains for him through taste, because his taste has preceded it before it moves on. This is the matter with the drunkenness of the people of the path in the divine matters. As for non-divine matters, it may be possible to combine the two intoxications in the form, and if you investigate the matter in it and find it to be otherwise, then it may be imagined in a person that he If he knows something, then he has taste for it, but this is not the case, for taste does not come about except through revelation, and knowledge may be achieved by transmitting true, corre

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Awakening comes with knowledge and etiquette *** if it is not sound in judgment and reason

The occurrence of awakening is stronger according to the *** sect than the occurrence of drunkenness, as it replaces mirth .

And amusement is what all souls and what *** in them live by. I will wake up from amusement and play.

So his strength is greater than his strength, and his weakness is *** Stand up, and with me, the ruling of time is for lineage.

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Know that awakening according to the people is a return to feeling after absence as a strong occurrence, and know that they have made in the definition of intoxication that it is a strong occurrence, and likewise awakening is that it is a strong occurrence, and they did not say that it is stronger. This is because the condition described as intoxication and awakening is for these two occurrences, even though they are equal in strength, so they differ, but rather drunkenness is the occurrence. First, because he is the owner of the place, he has the right to prevent, but he is not able to have an incoming item enter a place except in proportion and readiness from the place. With that ratio or readiness, he will request that appropriate incoming item, and if the incomings are equal, then if the incoming item comes and there is something else in the place, and he finds the proportion and readiness that he requests, he will be judged and remove from him the ruling on the other incoming

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And know that one is not sober in this way except after being drunk, and as for before being drunk, he is not sober, nor is he one of being sober. Rather, it is said about him that he is not one of being drunk, but rather one of being present or remaining, and so on. Then know that the soberness of every drunk person is according to his drunkenness on a correct scale, so it must be To come with verified knowledge that he benefited from in the absence of his drunkenness, and if he was awake fast, he was never drunk, drunkenness of the way, as knowledge is a condition for the one who is sober from drunkenness. This is the way of the people of God, because there is no stinginess in God’s generosity, nor is there infirmity in His power. If he is healthy, he conceals what he should conceal and reveals what he should. To be broadcast while his statement when he is sober is accepted because he is a just witness, and the statement of a drunkard, even if he is a just witness, is not accept

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