The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Obtaining what he knew that God Almighty had arranged matters and His knowledge from eternity required that such-and-such would not happen except in such-and-such a place, with such-and-such a horoscope, and because of such-and-such. So when he judged this possibility and lost his heart in some situation about a previous existence or about an existence, he departed from that place, hoping for this purpose to be achieved. The reason for their estrangement from their homelands and others like him is that some of them may leave their homeland because of the pride in it. If they see that their dignity has increased through asceticism and repentance, or if it is not mentioned, then they become famous for their repentance and goodness, this bequeaths them honor in the hearts of the people, then people turn to them with veneration, so they flee and estrange themselves from their homeland to a place where they are not known because they know themselves. With his Lord, people’s veneration

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As for the estrangement of the knowers from their homeland, it is their separation from their possibility, for the possible is the homeland of the possible, and it is revealed to him that it is the truth, and the truth is not his homeland of possibility, so the possible departs from the homeland of his possibility for these witnesses, and since the possible was in its homeland, which is nothingness, with his eye fixed, he heard the saying of the truth to him, “Be,” so he hastened into existence, and was to see. He became estranged from his homeland, which is nothingness, desiring the witnesses of the one who said to him, “Be,” and when he opened his eyes, the truth made him witness its forms of created things, and he did not witness the truth for which he hastened to exist. In this state, I said

If the strange universe appears to my gaze *** I longed for my homelands, longing for the stirrups

He says, so I wanted to retur

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