The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

God prohibits them, and He does not hold them accountable, because His providence preceded them in eternity, so He allowed them what is forbidden to others, and everyone else who does not have this status has no knowledge of that, so he is judged to have committed sins and is not a sinner, according to the text of the words of God conveyed on the tongue of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. May God bless him and grant him peace, and the Ahl al-Bayt when God removed from them impurity, and there was no impurity that is more impure than sin, and He purified them with a thorough purification, and it is news, and the report is not included in abrogation, and the news of God is true and was preceded by the divine will. So whatever is attributed to the Ahl al-Bayt that discredits what God told about them of purification and the removal of impurity is attributed. To them in terms of the belief of the person who attributes it because it is an abomination accord

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From His saying, “Who is responsible for every soul for what it has earned?” So they will see the action of God from behind the veils of the universes that are the place where actions appear in them. This is His Almighty’s saying, “Indeed, your Lord is wide in forgiveness,” meaning His covering is wide, and all the universes are His coverings, and He is the one who does the work behind this covering, and they do not perceive it. And those who affirm among the theologians the actions of the servants as creation of God sense, but do not bear witness to, the veil of gain with which God has blinded their insight, just as the insight of the one who sees the actions of creation is blinded when God stops him with what he sees with his sight. This one does not sense, and he is the Mu’tazili, and that one does not bear witness, and he is the Ash’ari, so everyone has a veil over his sight.

« And as for the third type», it is the annihilation of the attributes of created beings


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