The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Its meaning is unknown, its meaning is not known except with a divine definition, so if he confirms it by swearing an oath and giving allegiance to him, then it is less embarrassing than the one for whom it is divided, just as God is pleased with the believers who are not certain of His oath of sustenance and what He promised of absolute goodness and bound by conditions to the one who signed it and found in it that he has attained something similar to that. You speak, but God relieved them of that, and certainty occurred to them, and what remained for them after that was the natural disturbance, for the natural, tangible pains are not in a person’s power to relieve them if they occur, unlike psychological pains, for he is within his power to remove them, so relief occurred by swearing that sustenance from God is inevitable, and it remained in the hearts of some who are certain of that. It is embarrassing to determine the time of its occurrence, which is what the definition occurre

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And from the Most Merciful One is the legislation of ijtihad in ruling on principles and branches, taking into account differences, and establishing the ruling on the part of the truth by proving it to be a legal ruling against the diligent person, and it is forbidden for him to contravene it with the opposition in the rulings, so he decided the two opposing rulings and made the diligent scholars rewarded in that, so the diligent person legislated from the law that God has permitted. It is for this nation of Muhammad to legislate it, and I do not know whether it was specific to it or whether this did not cease to exist among the nations before it. It appears that it did not cease to exist among the nations, for the same Most Gracious One requires generality, especially since there is evidence in the Qur’an that indicates that this has not ceased to exist among the nations in the Almighty’s saying, “And monasticism they invented.” They did not create it except through their own dil

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Also from the same Most Merciful is the saying of God Almighty, a story about the infallible in His saying about error, and He is the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. There is no living creature but He takes hold of its forelock.

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