The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Whatever form appeared to him in himself, he knew it by himself, he knew it about us eternally, not from non-existence, so he knew us in the same way. Our example, which is the same as his knowledge of us, is as ancient as the truth, because it is an attribute of him, and events do not arise from himself, may God be glorified for that .

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As for our statement, why it was found, and what its purpose is, God Almighty says, “And I did not create the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me.” He stated the reason for which He created us, and so is the whole world, and we singled out the jinn with remembrance, and the jinn here are all concealed from an angel and other things, and God Almighty said regarding the heavens and the earth: “They come, willingly or compulsively,” they said, “We come.” They were obedient, and likewise he said, but he refused to carry it, and that was because it was an accident. But if it had been an order, they would have obeyed and carried it, for it is not conceivable that they would commit a disobedience, as they were accustomed to that, and the fiery jinn and mankind are not accustomed to that .

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Likewise, there are people who have ideas from the people of theory and evidence that is limited to the senses, necessities, and axioms. They say that the accountable person must be rational enough to understand what he is being addressed with, and they believed, and so is the matter with us. The entire world is rational, living, and speaking, with regard to revealing the violation of the custom that people have, I mean the acquisition of knowledge. This is what we have, except that they said, “This is an inanimate object that cannot be understood,” and they stopped at what gave them their sight. The matter with us is otherwise, so if it comes from a prophet that a stone spoke to him, or the shoulder of a sheep, or the trunk of a palm tree, or an animal, they say that God created life and knowledge in it at that time, but the matter with us is not like that, but rather the secret of life is in The entire world, and that everyone who hears the muezzin, whether wet or dry, bears wit

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So He created the world, Glory be to Him, to reveal the authority of the Names. For there is power without power, existence without giving, a provider without being provided for, a helper without relief, and merciful without mercy. These are facts that are ineffective, and He made the world in this world mixed, mixing the two fists in the dough, then separated the persons from it, so from these entered into this, from every fist in Her sister, so she was ignorant of the circumstances. In this regard, the scholars differed in extracting the bad from the good and the good from the bad, and its goal is to get rid of this mixture and distinguish the two fists until this one is unique in its world and the other in its world, as God Almighty said, so that God may distinguish the bad from the good and set the bad one over another and pile them all together in He will put him in Hell, and whoever remains He had some of the mixture in him until he died because of it. He will not be gathere

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As for our statement in this chapter and the knowledge of the spheres of the greater and lesser world, which is man, I mean by it the worlds of his universals, his species, and his princes who have influence on others, and I made them corresponding to this, a copy of this, and we have drawn circles for them on the images of the spheres and their arrangement in the book Creating Circles and Tables, which we began to compile in Tunisia. In the place of Imam Abu Muhammad Abd al-Aziz, Lina and Saffina, may God have mercy on him, let us take from him in this chapter what befits this summary, so we say that the worlds are four, the highest world, which is the world of permanence, then the world of transformation, which is the world of annihilation, then the world of reconstruction, which is the world of permanence and annihilation, then the world of lineage, and these worlds are in two places in the world. The greater, which is what emerged from man, and in the smaller world, which is m

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The Muhammadan truth and its sphere of life are its counterparts from the gentle human being and the Holy Spirit. Among them is the surrounding throne and its counterpart from the human body. From that is the chair and its counterpart from the human being is the soul. And from that inhabited house and its counterpart from the human being is the heart. From that is the angels and its counterpart from the human spirits that are in it and the Powerful. From that is Saturn and its sphere and its counterpart from the human being is power. Science and the soul, and from that is Jupiter and its sphere, their counterpart, the memory power, and the back of the brain, and from that red, and its sphere, their counterpart, the rational power and the fontanelle, and from that is the sun and its sphere, their counterpart, the thinking power, and the middle of the brain, then Venus and its sphere, their counterpart, the imaginary power and the animal spirit, then the writer and its sphere, their cou

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