The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Erect, length, width, and directions. Such a thing is called the meaning of this word. This meaning accepts creation, and we do not mean by meanings anything except that which does not accept creation. And everything that does not accept creation does not accept proverbs, so proverbs only accept forms, especially material and non-material, and I mean by composite materiality, which is various bodies. Its types, and I mean by non-material ones, such as simple things that have no part except their essence, but they accept adjacency, so they accept composition, and thus infinitely different forms are created. The first of them, even if it is a form, is the creator, and the second is not a creator, for it is like Him, but it is a creature, so with the first creation, it is wonderful, and with the second creation, which is similar to the first creation, a creator, so the first. Whatever God created the mind, He revealed it in the soul of the Most Gracious, in the blind, in its first le

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Likewise, this name refers to finding the two conditions of the houses in order to show thus the eye of the zodiac determined in the Atlas astronomy, since it has no sign by which it can be identified. So these houses were given to it as a sign of those quantities. The houses also and every planet in the astrological astrology is cut off in this atlas, but one person does not age enough to feel it. It has been conveyed to us that some of the pyramids of Egypt found the history of its work and the eagle is in Leo and today it is in Capricorn, so look at the years that have passed over them, and the people in the management of the planets say that these planets It is fixed that every sixty years of the astronomy is cut off by one degree, and it was reported from some of them by a hundred years. When will the sense perceive its transmission just as it perceives the transmission of the promiscuous, sweeping female slaves? Then we return to our talk about the first intellect and its st

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