The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And the sciences of the spheres of existence are great *** and small except for the one who does not blame

These are the sciences whose revelation has been achieved. *** He guides hearts to the right path.

Praise be to God, who is the collector*** of their sciences and of the knowledge of what is not known.

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Briefing the statement with a kind of succinctness: the beginning of creation is atomization, and the first thing to exist in it is the Muhammadan, merciful truth, and there is no way to confine it to lack of bias. And what was it found of the known truth that is not characterized by existence or nonexistence, and what was it found in the atomization, and for what example was the known form found in the essence of truth, and it was not found to show? The divine truths and what is its goal is to be free from mixture, so every scholar knows his part from his origin without mixing. So his goal is to reveal his truths and know the spheres of the greater part of the world, which is apart from man in the terminology of the group and the lesser world. Man means the soul of the world, its cause, its cause, its spheres, its stations and movements, and the details of its layers. This is all that is included in this chapter.

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Just as man is a small world in the sense of the body, so he is also contemptible in the sense of creation, and deification is valid for him because he is God’s successor in the world and the world is subjected to his deity, just as man is his deity to God Almighty. Know that the most complete creation of man is in this world, and as for the afterlife, every human being is The two divisions are divided into half in the case, not in knowledge, for each group is aware of the opposite of its condition, for man is only the believer and the unbeliever together, happiness and misery, bliss, blissful torment, and tormenting. This is why knowledge of this world is more complete, and the manifestation of the afterlife is higher, so understand and undo this lock. We have a symbol for the one who is aware, and its wording is hideous, hideous, and its meaning is wonderful .


The spirit of the great existence ***this small existence

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Know that information is fourfold, the Almighty God, and He is described as absolute existence, because He, Glory be to Him, is not the cause or cause of anything, but rather He exists by Himself, and knowledge of Him means knowledge of His existence, and His existence is nothing other than Himself, even though His essence is not known, but He knows the attributes attributed to Him, I mean attributes. Meanings, which are the attributes of perfection, as for knowledge of the reality of the self .

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