The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Getting closer to God through a lawful act by way of getting closer to God by action and omission, from action to action, or from omission to omission, or from action to omission, or from omission to action, etc. Then there is a fifth form for the form and the transfer of knowledge from position to position, from name to name, and from glory. To manifestation and from soul to soul, and the one who moves is the traveler, who is the one who has physical struggles and psychological exercises. He has taken upon himself the refinement of morals and judged his nature with the amount of nourishment he needs, which will sustain its mood and moderation, and he does not pay attention to habitual hunger and habitual rest, for God does not burden a soul with more than it can accommodate. She did her best to obey God, and no argument was established against her other than

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Those who walk in their behavior are divided into four categories, among them: a traveler who walks by his Lord, a traveler who walks by himself, a traveler who walks in the aggregate, and a traveler who walks in the aggregate, and a traveler to ask you, so the behavior varies according to the intention of the traveler and his rank in knowledge of God. As for the traveler who walks by his Lord, he is the one whose hearing, sight, and all his faculties are true, for his eye is fixed, and this is why he returned the pronoun. On it because of its presence in

His saying, “I was his hearing ”

This “Ha” is your eye, the one who created its hearing and sight, and you did not walk except with this strong one. And this strong one has told the Truth that when He loved you, He was your hearing and your sight, so He is your strength, so through Him you walked. In obedience to Him, which He commanded you to do yourself and beautify yourself with, it is the adornment of God, a

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