The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

In a way that pleases both opponents, he rules for each one rather than against him. Despite the contradiction of the matter, he tends to a different path in his path due to the wisdom of time. Self-remembrance prevails over public remembrance for the sake of comparison. He is jealous to prefer the truth, for he is a true remembrancer in the truth of all matters. He has taste, not experience. He knows his Lord from himself. Just as the truth and knowledgeable person taught him himself, he will not be held accountable for the crime, for the crime is a merit, and the criminal who deserves greatness in his humiliation and childhood does not move away from his humiliation in the place of his greatness, this world and the afterlife. He is in his knowledge according to his knowledge. If the work requires work, and if it requires that there is no work, he does not work. With Him are the treasures of matters by His wisdom, and the keys to them are in His hand. He descends as much as he wa

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In calling this station knowledge and its owner the knower.

Our companions disagreed regarding the station of knowledge, the knower, and the station of knowledge and the scholar. A group said the station of knowledge is divine, and the station of knowledge is divine, and I say it, and by it the investigators such as Sahl al-Tustari, Abu Yazid, Ibn al-Arif, and Abu Madin said, and a group said the station of knowledge is divine. And the status of knowledge is other than its Lord. I also say that they meant by knowledge what we meant by knowledge, and they meant by knowledge what we meant by knowledge, so the disagreement therein is verbal, and our basis is the saying of God Almighty. And when they hear what was revealed to the Messenger, you will see their eyes overflowing with tears from what they recognized of the truth, so he called them knowers, and he did not call them scholars. Then he mentioned them. He said: They say Our Lord, and they did not say, “Our God, we believe

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