The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Significance except by a divine manifestation of his heart from His name, light. If his interior is saturated with that light, he believes it, for that is the light of faith and other than that, nothing of that light occurs to him, even though he knows that it is truthful in terms of its significance, not in terms of the light projected into the heart, so he denies his knowledge, which is the saying of God Almighty. And they denied it, and their souls were certain of it, unjustly and arrogantly. And below them in this rank is the one about whom it was said that God led him astray with knowledge. That is the light of knowledge of it, not the light of faith. So when he believed it, he believed it and showed his sincerity and relied on his mind as it led him to the truth, and no light of the light of faith reached him to be illuminated by it, and he did not know. It was with that light that he believed him, not with the light of his knowledge, which is with those who denied him despi

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