The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And know that knowledge is not valid for anyone except the one who knows things by himself, and whoever knows something by something in addition to himself is imitating that thing in addition to what he gave, and there is no knowledge of things in himself except one, and everything other than that one, his knowledge of things and other things is imitation, and if it is proven that It is not valid to know anything other than God except by imitation. Let us imitate God, especially in knowledge of Him. Rather, we said that knowledge of something other than God is not valid except by imitation. Man does not know anything except by the power of some of his powers that God gave him, which are the senses and the mind. Man must He may imitate his sense in what he gives him, and he may make mistakes, and the matter may agree with what it is in himself, or he may imitate his mind in what it gives him of necessity or consideration, and the mind imitates thought, and some of it is correct and

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