The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Rivers and streams, so embark on the river of the Qur’an and you will win every path to happiness, for it is the river of Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, for whom prophecy was confirmed, and Adam was between water and clay, and he was given the most comprehensive words and was resurrected in general, and the branches of rulings were abrogated by it, and no ruling was abrogated for him with anything else. And he looked at the beautiful light that covered that sidra tree. Then he saw that it had been covered by Him who covered it, so no one can attribute it to the luminous membrane that sight does not penetrate, but rather sight does not perceive it. Then it was said to him: This is the tree of purification in which is the pleasure of the Truth. From here, the Sidr began to wash the dead to meet God. Water and Sidr made it soft for him to purify this Sidr, and to it the deeds of the Sidr end. Adam built happiness, and therein are its storehouses until the Day of J

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