The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Money, for God Almighty has placed the interests of the servant in using some specific things, and they are from the world, so he is indispensable to using them, so he is indispensable to the world, so he allocated it with money, so no one can be described as indispensable to the world except God Almighty in terms of His essence, the Most High, and the rich in man is from the world. Man is not in need of the rich, for he is in need of him .

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And know that richness, even if it is in God, and glory, even if it is in God, are two qualities that it is not permissible for a servant to enter upon God Almighty, and if he has God in them, then he must leave them and enter poor and humiliated, and the meaning of entry is to turn to God, so he does not turn to God because of his richness in him or his glory in him, but rather He turns to God with his generosity and his lack, for the Presence of Truth has an inherent jealousy and does not accept the noble or the rich, and this is a taste that no one can deny on his own. God Almighty said, disciplining his Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, on the surface of the matter, and he disciplines us with it so that we may learn. As for whoever is self-sufficient, you are his resiliency, and Muhammad was witnessed. May God’s prayers and peace be upon him, the divine attribute of being rich, so he confronted it because of the honor it gave him in reality, and the Prophet at

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Among the good morals is to turn toward the poor and turn away from the rich by offering them prestige or money. If one whose characteristic is poverty and humiliation is seen by descending from these two ranks, it is obligatory for the people of God to turn to them, for if they come to them while they are prepared for their position of prestige and money, imagine that The people of God turn to them because of their prestige and their wealth, so they increase their desire to remain what they are. For this reason, God forbids his people to accept them except with the quality of asceticism in them. If someone who is poor, humiliated, broken, and rich in his wealth, who has prestige in this world, shows acceptance and turn to the poor more than showing it to him. He is rich and has prestige, because what is meant by the etiquette with which God Almighty disciplined His Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. However, the person with this characteristic needs the balance of tr

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