The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

On the hearts of the disputing servants, when the angels faced the hearts of the sons of Adam in their agony, so they said, “Conquering evil deeds is a victory for the angels over the devils.” Then they were gentle in the question by saying, “And whoever avoids evil deeds on that day, His mercy will be true.”

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Then from their support for those on earth without designating a believer from other than him, God Almighty says about them: And the angels glorify the praises of their Lord and seek forgiveness for those on earth in general, without specifying an etiquette with God and the earth is universal, so the believer and others entered into this seeking forgiveness. Then God gave the people of the earth good news of accepting forgiveness. The angels by saying, “Indeed, God is the Forgiving, the Most Merciful.” He did not say “the effective one is what He wants,” and for this reason we also said that the servants of God tend towards mercy, and if they dwell in Hell, they will have mercy in it that no one else knows about. Perhaps that mercy will give them such that if they smell one of the scents of Paradise, they will be harmed by it just as the winds of roses and perfume are harmed by their mixtures. Those who are liberated, this is all from the guardianship of the angels, so their victo

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As for their victory by the believers over the enemies in battle, they descend to reinforce them with supplication, and on the day of Badr they descended as fighters in particular, and they were five thousand. And there was a rest in it, as there is no text of what he said, and God did not make it except as good news for you, so they were among the angels, or they were the angels who said against Adam, “Will you put in it?” Who will make mischief therein and shed blood? So He sent them down on the Day of Badr, so they shed blood just as they reproached Adam for shedding blood. So they did not neglect God’s command and His word, and that your hearts may be at peace therein. That is, it is the habit of mankind to settle for multitudes, since the people of Badr were few and the polytheists were many. So when they saw the angels, who were five thousand, and the Muslims were three hundred, and the polytheists were a thousand. A man whose hearts were reassured by the large number of bel

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And what was mentioned in number is more than five thousand, because the five numbers preserve themselves and others, and no other numbers have this rank. So God preserved His religion and His faithful servants with five thousand designated angels, that is, those with signs by which they identify that they are among the angels or angels who said, “It is permissible for us to shed blood.” So we supported us over the enemies because of what they criticized us for when God commanded them to do so .

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The guardianship of the angels has many faces and positions, but we have mentioned enumerating the levels to which God has pointed out, so they supported the names of God, which is the highest of stations, and they supported the angels of the dead, and they supported the believers, and they supported the repentant, and they supported those on earth, and there is no one who seeks their support more than this, so the levels of victory are limited.

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Then God praised them because they glorify the praise of their Lord out of reverence for God’s side, then after that they seek forgiveness, which is what befits them to offer God’s side, and for this reason

The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, never stood in a place for people to address them. The oldest is praise of God. And praise is for him, and after that he speaks whatever he wants.

And for this reason

he said every matter of importance that does not begin with praising God, or he said with the remembrance of God, then it is immoral.

That is , it is cut off. From God, and if it is disconnected from God, then God wills, He accepts it, and if He wills, He does not accept it, and if it begins with the remembrance of God, then it is connected to it, not severed, that is, not with a rhyme, then remembrance of God is acceptable, so what is connected to it is undoubtedly acceptable, and then it is from the knowledge of the

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Rather, their mistake occurred in their haste with this statement before they knew what God’s wisdom in this action was, and they were motivated to do so by the jealousy that they had been born with in the presence of God, because what is generated from incompatible opposites inevitably entails a dispute, especially what is generated from the pillars, as it is generated from A birth from a birth from a birth, a corner about an astrology, about a zodiac sign, about a nature, about a soul, and the origin is the opposing divine names, and from there the opposition took place in the world. We are at the last levels, so the disagreement regarding the pillars that are higher than the rank of birth is less, although it is not devoid of it. Do not see to the highest assembly how they dispute and what. The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, had knowledge of the highest councils when they disputed until God informed him of that. The reason for that is that the origin

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The origin of the conflict and disharmony is what we mentioned of the divine names, the Life-giving, the Deadly, the Mighty, the Humiliated, the Harmful, and the Beneficial. God should not be anything other than one of these names, with His will added to them .

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