The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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[ Seeing what is visible gives knowledge of it ]

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 55 من الجزء Four

God Almighty said that Moses said, “My Lord, show me that I may look at You.” His Lord said to him, “You will not see me,” because he said, “Look,” with the hamza. If he had said “nun” or “yaa” and “taa,” perhaps the answer would not have been, “You will not see me,” and God knows best. The question is general in his saying, “Look,” and the answer is general in his saying, “You will not see me.” I know that seeing What is visible gives you knowledge of it, and the seer knows that he saw a certain matter and has had knowledge of what he saw, and we have seen that the one who sees the truth is not controlled by his vision of it, and what is not controlled, it cannot be said that the one who saw it knows that he saw it, since if he had seen it, he would have known it, and he is aware of the diversity of images on him in the repetition of his vision with oneness. The eye itself is in the same matter, so what he saw is real, so no one knows the truth except he who knows that he did not


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