Whoever sees me and says one day he saw me *** he sees me other than the one who does not see me

God has a look into my existence *** and through it our Most High God has guided me

Knowledge disappears if you look at it *** with madness by thought or sight

My evidence denies proof and proceeds*** in a manner that gives it to you in a statement.

And eyes cling to an example *** in revelations that will be or in heaven

He is not perceived by eyes and mind *** and what the eyelids perceive My entity

" lang="en-GB" /> Whoever sees me and says one day he saw me *** he sees me other than the one who does not see me

God has a look into my existence *** and through it our Most High God has guided me

Knowledge disappears if you look at it *** with madness by thought or sight

My evidence denies proof and proceeds*** in a manner that gives it to you in a statement.

And eyes cling to an example *** in revelations that will be or in heaven

He is not perceived by eyes and mind *** and what the eyelids perceive My entity

"> “ Chapter four hundred and forty-two on knowing the dispute between those who saw me and knew that they saw me but did not see me. ”

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

“ Chapter four hundred and forty-two on knowing the dispute between those who saw me and knew that they saw me but did not see me. ”

(Check the original text in Arabic ...)

FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 55 من الجزء Four

Whoever sees me and says one day he saw me *** he sees me other than the one who does not see me

God has a look into my existence *** and through it our Most High God has guided me

Knowledge disappears if you look at it *** with madness by thought or sight

My evidence denies proof and proceeds*** in a manner that gives it to you in a statement.

And eyes cling to an example *** in revelations that will be or in heaven

He is not perceived by eyes and mind *** and what the eyelids perceive My entity


(... Another Random Quote)

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