The strong one who continues to witness me *** in matters and there is no embarrassment in the truth

Whoever opposes me regarding the truths that I utter *** should ascend to my stairs.

And if he sees it, he will ransom him with the one who sees it *** and with souls, spirits, and souls.

But it has a veil over the eyes, understanding *** in distress in the upper public in relief.

People are in the sword of this sea, in blessings. *** Where are the coasts, oh you who are thick ? < / p>

" lang="en-GB" /> The strong one who continues to witness me *** in matters and there is no embarrassment in the truth

Whoever opposes me regarding the truths that I utter *** should ascend to my stairs.

And if he sees it, he will ransom him with the one who sees it *** and with souls, spirits, and souls.

But it has a veil over the eyes, understanding *** in distress in the upper public in relief.

People are in the sword of this sea, in blessings. *** Where are the coasts, oh you who are thick ? < / p>

"> “ Chapter Four Hundred and Forty: On Knowing a Fight: A corner of his heart strengthened by watching me. ”

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

“ Chapter Four Hundred and Forty: On Knowing a Fight: A corner of his heart strengthened by watching me. ”

(Check the original text in Arabic ...)

FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 53 من الجزء Four

The strong one who continues to witness me *** in matters and there is no embarrassment in the truth

Whoever opposes me regarding the truths that I utter *** should ascend to my stairs.

And if he sees it, he will ransom him with the one who sees it *** and with souls, spirits, and souls.

But it has a veil over the eyes, understanding *** in distress in the upper public in relief.

People are in the sword of this sea, in blessings. *** Where are the coasts, oh you who are thick ? < / p>


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