The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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In knowing the relationship between the jugular vein and the intestinal tract

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 530 من الجزء Three

There is no prohibition in it. We said, “You are right.” He said, “So if you are truthful and give me what I say, then what is the ruling on the divine name that prevents and this prohibition that exists in the world? Why does it return? We do not deny it. We said, As for the divine goodness, there is no prohibition in it, but only the possible accepts it. The impossible does not accept it. So if you know the acceptor, you know.” Impediment and prevention. The opposites accept this absolute goodness according to their preparations, such as the brightness and the shortness when the sun overflows with its light, so the brightness becomes white and the face of the shortness becomes black if it is white. Then the wise man says to them: Light is one, but the temperament of the short ones accepts nothing from the light of the sun except blackness, and the narrowness is in a temperament that accepts whiteness, so your temperament prevents you from accepting whiteness and it is said Becau


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