An easy place for the heart to prostrate is not for it *** in other universes there are rulings

The heart does not raise its head after its prostration *** while the face is raised and the change is signs

For it is not witnessed by its qiblah *** And the qiblah of the heart is names and signs

" lang="en-GB" /> An easy place for the heart to prostrate is not for it *** in other universes there are rulings

The heart does not raise its head after its prostration *** while the face is raised and the change is signs

For it is not witnessed by its qiblah *** And the qiblah of the heart is names and signs

"> “ Chapter sixty-two and three hundred on knowing the place of prostration of the heart, the face, the whole, and the part, which are the place of the two prostrations and the two prostrations. ”

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

“ Chapter sixty-two and three hundred on knowing the place of prostration of the heart, the face, the whole, and the part, which are the place of the two prostrations and the two prostrations. ”

(Check the original text in Arabic ...)

FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 302 من الجزء Three

An easy place for the heart to prostrate is not for it *** in other universes there are rulings

The heart does not raise its head after its prostration *** while the face is raised and the change is signs

For it is not witnessed by its qiblah *** And the qiblah of the heart is names and signs


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