The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

In knowing the place of prostration of the heart, the face, the whole, and the part, which is the place of the two prostrations and the two prostrations

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 302 من الجزء Three

And what are the covenants and contracts that He commanded us to make? And the divine covenant, does it have the same ruling as the covenant of a created being or not? In it is the knowledge of the superiority between inherited and acquired money, and with which of the two kinds of money the pleasure falls more for its owner. It is a knowledge of taste and differs according to one’s temperament. Then whoever is accustomed to laziness, the inheritance money is more delicious to him because it is not You work for him in it, and among them are the people of conquest, and among the people are those who are innate in themselves for leadership, so they take pleasure in earned money in a way that they do not enjoy in inherited money, because of the use it entails to show their ability in it in terms of earning it. It contains the knowledge of causes depending on their causes. Is it an intrinsic or optional abstinence from God? And it contains the knowledge of impossibilities. One state t


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