God's earth is spacious *** and God's sky is expansive

Gate complex Closed *** And the right hand of generosity opens them

And breasts whose place is narrow *** And with the light of knowledge He explains them

The mysteries of the secret are dark *** and the sciences of revelation make them clear

All the blessings you have been given *** Hazrat Al-Muhsan bestows < /p>

Then if corruption occurs in it *** then perhaps the Most Merciful will repair it

Then, if it is tightened or modified, the bridle of guidance restrains it.

Every claim is not truthful*** The tongue of impotence exposes it.

God's earth is spacious *** and God's sky is expansive

Gate complex Closed *** And the right hand of generosity opens them

And breasts whose place is narrow *** And with the light of knowledge He explains them

The mysteries of the secret are dark *** and the sciences of revelation make them clear

All the blessings you have been given *** Hazrat Al-Muhsan bestows < /p>

Then if corruption occurs in it *** then perhaps the Most Merciful will repair it

Then, if it is tightened or modified, the bridle of guidance restrains it.

Every claim is not truthful*** The tongue of impotence exposes it.

“ Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty-Five on Knowing the Place of the Generating Paths, the Land of Worship, and Its Expansion, and God Almighty’s Saying, ‘O My servants (those who have believed), indeed My Earth is spacious, so worship Me. ’”

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

“ Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty-Five on Knowing the Place of the Generating Paths, the Land of Worship, and Its Expansion, and God Almighty’s Saying, ‘O My servants (those who have believed), indeed My Earth is spacious, so worship Me. ’”

(Check the original text in Arabic ...)

FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 247 من الجزء Three

God's earth is spacious *** and God's sky is expansive

Gate complex Closed *** And the right hand of generosity opens them

And breasts whose place is narrow *** And with the light of knowledge He explains them

The mysteries of the secret are dark *** and the sciences of revelation make them clear

All the blessings you have been given *** Hazrat Al-Muhsan bestows < /p>

Then if corruption occurs in it *** then perhaps the Most Merciful will repair it

Then, if it is tightened or modified, the bridle of guidance restrains it.

Every claim is not truthful*** The tongue of impotence exposes it.


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