God has detailed His verses *** for every far-reaching and discerning person

And the wisest of them is for hearts that are pure *** and follow only the paths of guidance .

And he who is still speaking *** spoke for our hearing, entreating and urging

His speech baffled our minds *** And He brought the light of guidance and were guided

Seeing by His lights is apparent *** To Him belongs the end and to Him is the beginning.

" lang="en-GB" /> God has detailed His verses *** for every far-reaching and discerning person

And the wisest of them is for hearts that are pure *** and follow only the paths of guidance .

And he who is still speaking *** spoke for our hearing, entreating and urging

His speech baffled our minds *** And He brought the light of guidance and were guided

Seeing by His lights is apparent *** To Him belongs the end and to Him is the beginning.

"> “ Chapter Three Hundred and Forty-Three on Knowing the Manzil of Sirin in Details of the Revelation from Hazrat Hamad al-Mulk Kahle ”

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

“ Chapter Three Hundred and Forty-Three on Knowing the Manzil of Sirin in Details of the Revelation from Hazrat Hamad al-Mulk Kahle ”

(Check the original text in Arabic ...)

FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 171 من الجزء Three

God has detailed His verses *** for every far-reaching and discerning person

And the wisest of them is for hearts that are pure *** and follow only the paths of guidance .

And he who is still speaking *** spoke for our hearing, entreating and urging

His speech baffled our minds *** And He brought the light of guidance and were guided

Seeing by His lights is apparent *** To Him belongs the end and to Him is the beginning.


(... Another Random Quote)

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