The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

[ God mentioned the news of past centuries so that you might be wary of the reasons by which God took them and Rabieh took him. ]

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 115 من الجزء Three

And know that God did not mention the news of the past centuries except so that you would be wary of the reasons by which God seized them. Rabiyyah seized him and brutalized them with extreme brutality. As for death, it is a number of breaths and limited deadlines, and fear is only from its seizing and oppression, not from meeting it, for meeting Him facilitates the Guardian, and death is the reason for the meeting. What is the best masterpiece that a believer can create, so how about him if he is knowledgeable, excellent upon excellent, and this house of sciences includes the knowledge of the two mercy, the knowledge of the nearness of the pursuit of the closeness of a span and an arm, which is the limited closeness, the knowledge of severing and breaking, the knowledge of the similar from the decisive, the knowledge of eternity, the sciences of evidence, the science of following and what is happy of it and what is miserable, and the knowledge of establishing matters. And the lev


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