Plural is considered every time *** and the odd number in plural is like the numbers in Sunday

This God is the names, the most stringed of which is *** ninety-nine, neither decreased nor increased.

The eye is the sum of names, and it has no *** string except what we have mentioned. Number

There is only one person to help him *** Appoint many, so do not sway anyone

By God, nothing can multiply it *** With the knowledge that He gave you in monitoring

there is no influence other than God on human beings *** And for others, then I mean the resident of the country

He gives you good with the benevolence he bestows *** upon you, for he is the one who," lang="en-GB" /> Plural is considered every time *** and the odd number in plural is like the numbers in Sunday

This God is the names, the most stringed of which is *** ninety-nine, neither decreased nor increased.

The eye is the sum of names, and it has no *** string except what we have mentioned. Number

There is only one person to help him *** Appoint many, so do not sway anyone

By God, nothing can multiply it *** With the knowledge that He gave you in monitoring

there is no influence other than God on human beings *** And for others, then I mean the resident of the country

He gives you good with the benevolence he bestows *** upon you, for he is the one who,"> “ Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty-Five on Knowing the Revealed Qur’an from Hazrat Muhammadiyah ”

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

“ Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty-Five on Knowing the Revealed Qur’an from Hazrat Muhammadiyah ”

(Check the original text in Arabic ...)

FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 91 من الجزء Three

Plural is considered every time *** and the odd number in plural is like the numbers in Sunday

This God is the names, the most stringed of which is *** ninety-nine, neither decreased nor increased.

The eye is the sum of names, and it has no *** string except what we have mentioned. Number

There is only one person to help him *** Appoint many, so do not sway anyone

By God, nothing can multiply it *** With the knowledge that He gave you in monitoring

there is no influence other than God on human beings *** And for others, then I mean the resident of the country

He gives you good with the benevolence he bestows *** upon you, for he is the one who,


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