Women are the sisters of the two males*** in the world of souls and bodies .

And the ruling is one in existence over them *** and it is expressed by the human being

and they separated from him by a fortuitous matter *** by which the females are separated from the two males

From the level of consensus, both of them are judged *** by the reality of monotheism in objects.

And when you look at the heaven and its earth, you will separate them without any distinction.

Look at benevolence with one eye*** and its manifestation by ruling on the basis of benevolence. < /p p>

" lang="en-GB" /> Women are the sisters of the two males*** in the world of souls and bodies .

And the ruling is one in existence over them *** and it is expressed by the human being

and they separated from him by a fortuitous matter *** by which the females are separated from the two males

From the level of consensus, both of them are judged *** by the reality of monotheism in objects.

And when you look at the heaven and its earth, you will separate them without any distinction.

Look at benevolence with one eye*** and its manifestation by ruling on the basis of benevolence. < /p p>

"> “ Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty-Four: On Knowing the Place of the Gathering of Women and Men in Some Divine Places, which is from the Hazrat al-Asimiyya ”

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

“ Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty-Four: On Knowing the Place of the Gathering of Women and Men in Some Divine Places, which is from the Hazrat al-Asimiyya ”

(Check the original text in Arabic ...)

FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 87 من الجزء Three

Women are the sisters of the two males*** in the world of souls and bodies .

And the ruling is one in existence over them *** and it is expressed by the human being

and they separated from him by a fortuitous matter *** by which the females are separated from the two males

From the level of consensus, both of them are judged *** by the reality of monotheism in objects.

And when you look at the heaven and its earth, you will separate them without any distinction.

Look at benevolence with one eye*** and its manifestation by ruling on the basis of benevolence. < /p p>


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