I am amazed at the one who said, "Be for the sake of ***" and he who was told, "It was not," then

Sleep if it was a movie to which it was said *** Let it be and the universe is that which is indivisible.

Then Be has nullified the power of *** which the mind has indicated to it. And the ruling

How can the mind have evidence, and what *** the mind built by revelation is destroyed?

So the soul's salvation is in the Sharia, so you are not a human being who saw it and then forbade it.

And adhere to the Sharia in revealing, for he has *** The goodness was won by slaves who were protected.

Neglect the thought and do not care about it*** and leave" lang="en-GB" /> I am amazed at the one who said, "Be for the sake of ***" and he who was told, "It was not," then

Sleep if it was a movie to which it was said *** Let it be and the universe is that which is indivisible.

Then Be has nullified the power of *** which the mind has indicated to it. And the ruling

How can the mind have evidence, and what *** the mind built by revelation is destroyed?

So the soul's salvation is in the Sharia, so you are not a human being who saw it and then forbade it.

And adhere to the Sharia in revealing, for he has *** The goodness was won by slaves who were protected.

Neglect the thought and do not care about it*** and leave"> « Chapter Three Hundred and Eighth on Knowing the Place of Mixing of the All-Knowing World of Hazrat Muhammadiyah »

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

« Chapter Three Hundred and Eighth on Knowing the Place of Mixing of the All-Knowing World of Hazrat Muhammadiyah »

(Check the original text in Arabic ...)

FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 31 من الجزء Three

I am amazed at the one who said, "Be for the sake of ***" and he who was told, "It was not," then

Sleep if it was a movie to which it was said *** Let it be and the universe is that which is indivisible.

Then Be has nullified the power of *** which the mind has indicated to it. And the ruling

How can the mind have evidence, and what *** the mind built by revelation is destroyed?

So the soul's salvation is in the Sharia, so you are not a human being who saw it and then forbade it.

And adhere to the Sharia in revealing, for he has *** The goodness was won by slaves who were protected.

Neglect the thought and do not care about it*** and leave


(... Another Random Quote)

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