The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

(Continuation) [The Five Letters of Majesty and the Five General Truths]

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 104 من الجزء One

The first alif, which is the alif of the hamza, is interrupted, and the second lam is an alif connected to it. The alif is cut off at the beginning of the lines due to his saying, peace be upon him, “There was God and there was nothing with Him.” For this reason, it was cut off and removed from the letters that resemble it in not connecting with what comes after it, and the letters that resemble it due to the number of high general facts. Which are the mothers. Likewise, if the last letters break the connection from the digital dimension, then the severing of the alif was a warning to what we mentioned, and so are its brothers. The alif is for truth, and the similar alifs are for creation, and that is D-D-R-Z. In all realities there is a nourishing, sensitive, speaking body, and all other things are those that have language, and the universal realities of the world were limited, so when He wanted existence The second Lām is the first to exist in the meaning, and if it is delayed i


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