The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 104 من الجزء One

The horse of the tongue has passed us by in the arena of speech. Let us return to what we were on its way to, and peace, so I say the deleted hamza of this name, in addition to achieving the connection of oneness and eradicating the separation of jealousy, so the alif and the attached lam are as previously mentioned to achieve the connected and the disjointed lam, and the alif found in the second lam to erase traces of the unaccounted for, and the waw that comes after the ha. It has no effect in calligraphy, and its meaning in existence is the splendor of identity that has spread in the realm of the kingdom itself. He said, “He is God, there is no god but Him.” So he began with identity, sealed and ruled over the matter in existence and nonexistence, and made it an indication of occurrence and pre-existence. It is the last and highest remembrance of those who remember, so the sacrum returned to the chest, and the Night of Decree appeared. The people of care and support affirmed th


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