The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

In knowing the beginning of spiritual creation, who was the first to exist in it, why did he come into being, in what form he was created, and on what example he was created and why he was created, and what is his purpose, and knowing the spheres of the g

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 104 من الجزء One

He has those whom no one knows except Him, just as they do not know them. He crowned them with the crown of splendor and the wreath of splendor, and seated them on the pulpits of the courtyard, close to each other, in the carpet of human beings, and communed with the eternal people in the language of the Qayyumiyah. He bequeathed to them that saying, “On their prayers they will perpetuate, and on their testimonies they will stand,” and the divine power did not cease to provide for them. By sighting, they stand out with the attributes in the position of the feet. There is no reason for it except in terms of imitation, and there is no mention except the establishment of a sunnah or an obligation. They do not deviate from the straight path, so they are in the truth. And if they address the creation and associate with them, they are not with them, and if they see them, they do not see them, since they do not see them except that they are among the actions of God, so they see th


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