Not irrigating is clear evidence *** that the rulings on finiteness are not applicable

Men who made mistakes *** said that what was said was trivial

and if they knew its amount *** And they saw what required “Be” and it is

They did not say anything like this, but they came *** to apologize to the one who denied it

< /p>" lang="en-GB" /> Not irrigating is clear evidence *** that the rulings on finiteness are not applicable

Men who made mistakes *** said that what was said was trivial

and if they knew its amount *** And they saw what required “Be” and it is

They did not say anything like this, but they came *** to apologize to the one who denied it

< /p>"> “ Chapter two hundred and fifty-one on not irrigation. ”

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

“ Chapter two hundred and fifty-one on not irrigation. ”

(Check the original text in Arabic ...)

FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 552 من الجزء Two

Some people said it

Not irrigating is clear evidence *** that the rulings on finiteness are not applicable

Men who made mistakes *** said that what was said was trivial

and if they knew its amount *** And they saw what required “Be” and it is

They did not say anything like this, but they came *** to apologize to the one who denied it

< /p>


(... Another Random Quote)

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