I am absent from him and I have an eye that sees him *** In the presence of the unseen and the absent are not present

There is nothing in existence except Him in His testimony *** and His absence, so look into the unseen and think.

For that is the absence of this state of affairs *** So the absence of the heart is a state that is not considered

Who is absent and there is no one in the universe *** except existence, there is no eye or trace

" lang="en-GB" /> I am absent from him and I have an eye that sees him *** In the presence of the unseen and the absent are not present

There is nothing in existence except Him in His testimony *** and His absence, so look into the unseen and think.

For that is the absence of this state of affairs *** So the absence of the heart is a state that is not considered

Who is absent and there is no one in the universe *** except existence, there is no eye or trace

"> “ Chapter two hundred and forty-four on backbiting ”

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

“ Chapter two hundred and forty-four on backbiting ”

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 543 من الجزء Two

I am absent from him and I have an eye that sees him *** In the presence of the unseen and the absent are not present

There is nothing in existence except Him in His testimony *** and His absence, so look into the unseen and think.

For that is the absence of this state of affairs *** So the absence of the heart is a state that is not considered

Who is absent and there is no one in the universe *** except existence, there is no eye or trace


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