The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

[ Disclosure is used in relation to trustworthiness through understanding, it is used in relation to achieving an increase in the situation, and it is used in relation to the realization of a sign. ]

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 496 من الجزء Two

Know that disclosure among the people is used in relation to trustworthiness through understanding, and it is used in relation to achieving an increase in the state, and it is used in relation to the realization of a sign. Know that disclosure is related to meanings, and witnessing is related to essences, so witnessing of what is called and revealing of the rule of names, and revealing to us is more complete than witnessing, unless witnessing of the essence of truth is correct, then witnessing would be more complete, and it is not. It is correct, and that is why we said disclosing is more complete because it is more gentle. Revealing softens what is dense, and witnessing intensifies what is subtle. And by saying this, a large group of the people of God say, such as Abu Hamid, Ibn Fourk, and Al-Mundhiri, and a group said the opposite, but we said that it is more complete because there is no matter that you witness except that it has an additional ruling over what the witnesses sign


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